

 钱彦丰 国际翻译动态


2024年10月31日 10:00 

Has AI ‘Radically Changed’ Day-to-Day Work of Language Professionals?

( 图片来自Slator官网 )

Lilt CEO Spence Green’s observation on SlatorPod that localization has become one of the key use cases to show return on investment in AI is something most people in the industry can agree with. And when some big names like Reddit not only make AI-enabled localization part of their growth strategy, but also make good on their intent, as they announced in September 2024, the skeptics ought to notice, too.

Lilt首席执行官斯彭斯-格林(Spence Green)在SlatorPod上指出,本地化已成为人工智能投资回报的重要案例之一,得到了业内大多数人的赞同。像Reddit这样的大公司不仅将人工智能本地化作为其发展战略的一部分,而且正如他们在2024年9月宣布的那样,他们很好地实现了自己的规划。此时,应当有一些值得思考的地方。

The technology is certainly there for all who wish to open the door to automation of multiple localization tasks.


Transformed content workflows and customization of target outputs via trained/fine-tuned large language models (LLMs) are just two examples of what can now be done. But there is a lot more.


What retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and AI orchestration can help accomplish, and the ability to process ultra-mega-massive volumes of content using AI, are also great ways to boost that precious ROI… even automating quality assurance to different degrees based on the type of content.


Still, quality assurance remains one of those subjects for experimentation and debate. For that and much more, it is humans who need to get their heads around retooling processes, roles, and the back office so that no new problems are unnecessarily created as AI is implemented.


We asked readers if AI (LLMs included) has changed their day-to-day work in the past 24 months. Over a third of respondents (37.5%) said that has not happened at all (!). A little less than a quarter (23.6%) are on the opposite end of the spectrum saying it has done so radically. The rest, two equal groups (19.4% each respectively), said it has somewhat changed it or just a bit.

我们对读者进行了采访,询问人工智能(包括大语言模型)在过去两年中是否改变了他们的日常工作。超过三成的受访者(37.5%)表示完全没有(!)。略低于四分之一(23.6%)的受访者则持相反意见,认为有翻天覆地的变化。其余两组(各占 19.4%)认为有一些改变或仅改变了一点。

Benched or Still in The Game?


“Bouleversement” is a French word that perfectly describes the sort of situation some in the language industry are facing as it evolves toward increased AI automation: beyond upset or disruption, more like an upheaval.


Back in March 2024, readers could already feel upheaval and pressure increasing as they answered polls on bankruptcies, the relevance of language service provider offerings, and individual use of AI. Two quarters later, the upheaval appears to gain momentum.


The market will continue to change. More translators will become AI training and QA experts, and more project managers will become a combination of AI process designers and sentries. Regardless of role, most in the industry are likely feeling the pressure, with generalist language service providers (LSPs) and linguists facing tough choices.


We asked readers how the talent situation is in this environment in their corner of the language industry, and half (50.0%) responded that there is an oversupply, and the talent situation is super competitive.


Interestingly, a third of respondents actually face a talent shortage (30.0%). For the rest (20.0%), the talent situation is balanced.


Practical and Tactical AI Adoption


At SlatorCon Silicon Valley in September 2024, the growing level of confidence in generative AI and large language models (LLMs) in localization at the enterprise became quite clear.


Slator research featured 20 practical applications of large language models (LLMs) in translation and localization. And Hameed Afssari, Uber’s Head of Globalization, commented later in a conference panel that Uber has “tested or implemented 12 out of the 20 already.”

Slator研究了大型语言模型 (LLM) 在翻译和本地化方面的20项实际应用。Uber全球化负责人哈米德-阿夫萨里(Hameed Afssari)随后在会议小组讨论中评论说,Uber“已经测试或实施了20项中的12项”。

It is not uncommon now to find an equal measure of scientific research on LLMs and language and language technology companies leveraging them for features and functionality on localization products and services, and Uber is but one example.


Small, medium, and large companies, as well as freelancers, and just about everyone with a job in the industry, have been exposed to LLMs in one way or another.


We asked readers how they would describe their company’s level of LLM adoption, and close to a quarter (24.5%) is in the awareness phase. Two groups of respondents (20.4% each) are either still in the discovery stage or actively using LLMs.


The rest of the respondents said their level of adoption is inactive (16.3%), operational (10.2%) or systemic (8.2%).


Winding Down or Ramping Up?


Something else that was discussed in the rooms and halls at SlatorCon Silicon Valley in September 2024 was the featurization of AI translation in many products (where translation did not exist before).


There are several cases. Adobe offering AI in beta mode dubbing and lip-syncing API and Asana revealing “AI Teammates” as a tool in the management platform to write, translate, update, and even answer questions, are two of them. Both are on the localization buyer side and what this means for the host of localization vendors that can be impacted by such internal featurization at large tech companies and elsewhere is speculative at the time this article is written.

众多案例中有两项是,Adobe在测试模式中提供人工智能配音和唇语API,Asana在管理平台中推出 “人工智能伙伴”工具,用于撰写、翻译、更新甚至回答问题。这两家公司都是本地化服务的买方。本文对大型科技公司和其他公司的这种将本地化内部化可能对大量本地化供应商产生的影响尚无定论。

Whatever the level of speculation and uncertainty, with ChatGPT now an old mate at almost three years old, surely language access businesses have a different outlook for Q4 2024 than they did a year ago.


We asked readers what their business outlook is for the rest of 2024, and over a third (34.6%) said it is positive. For a little over a quarter (26.9%) of respondents, things are looking slightly negative. For one in every six respondents (17.3%), the horizon is neutral. For the rest, the outlook is either very negative (13.5%) or very positive (7.7%).





– END –









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