
 朱怡怡 国际翻译动态


2025年01月08日 10:00 

Exploring the future 

of Intellectual Property Management 

at IP Service World








Munich was the place to be for IP professionals in the last week of November, as IP Service World drew in over 1000 attendees from the intellectual property industry. The event showcased the latest products and services aimed at helping legal practitioners to manage the innovation life cycle more efficiently. There was also a comprehensive schedule of keynote speeches from thought leaders in the field, as well as an abundance of networking opportunities.

11月最后一周,知识产权专业人士在慕尼黑汇聚一堂。 大会展示了旨在帮助法律从业者更高效管理创新生命周期的最新产品和服务。 大会还安排了领域内思想领袖的主题演讲,并提供了丰富的交流与合作机会。

Technology in focus


RWS was pleased to have the chance to meet with several of their key European clients at the booth. Technology was, unsurprisingly, a topic of great interest, and visitors were keen to find out more about latest innovations. Demonstrations of their new patent renewals portal, scheduled for release in the new year, were well-received.

RWS表示很高兴有机会能够在展台上与几位重要的欧洲客户会面。 技术毫无疑问是备受关注的话题,参观者对于了解最新创新表现出浓厚兴趣。而关于他们即将在新年推出的全新专利续展门户的演示,更是赢得了广泛赞誉与好评。


Artificial intelligence was also at the forefront of people’s minds, as IP lawyers are increasingly looking for ways to balance the benefits of AI with its perceived risks. This led to some great conversations around Genuine Intelligence, their innovative approach which combines patent-trained AI technology with the best of human expertise. This enables them to deliver the highest quality patent translations quickly, consistently and cost effectively.

随着知识产权律师们正日益寻求在人工智能带来的益处与其潜在风险之间找到平衡之道,人工智能同样成为了人们热议的话题。 这引发了一系列关于Genuine Intelligence(RWS旗下的机器翻译)的深入讨论,他们采用的创新方法将专利领域的AI技术与人类专家的最优智慧相结合。 这使他们能够快速、一致且经济高效地交付最高质量的专利翻译。

RWS on the agenda


AI also featured heavily on the presentation schedule, with keynotes on topics such as the role of AI in patent searches, and how generative AI has changed the nature of patent work.



RWS was delighted to deliver two speaking sessions, which were well-attended. The first, Conversations of Tomorrow, was delivered by André Andrade, VP Client Relations, Law Firms. He shared insights on the latest innovations in the IP industry, including RWS’s genuine intelligence formula. In the second, Patent Research best practices in prosecution and litigation, Business Development Manager André Sarmento provided guidance on the different approaches to IP research. This included RWS’s analyst-based and crowd-based search options.

RWS表示很高兴能在两场演讲会上发言,吸引来了众多听众。第一个主题是 “明日对话“,由律师事务所客户关系副总裁André Andrade主讲。他分享了对知识产权行业最新创新的见解,包括RWS旗下的Genuine Intelligence。在第二个专题“专利研究在申请和诉讼中的最佳实践”中,业务发展经理André Sarmento就知识产权研究的不同方法提供了指导。这涵盖了RWS提供的基于分析师的专业搜索和基于大众的集体搜索两种选项。


At the event, RWS also announced a new integration of our own foreign filing platform, inovia, with Brugmann’s IP management system, PatOrg. This will enable customers to leverage all the time-saving benefits of inovia, alongside some new ones, such as auto docketing, without ever leaving PatOrg. This will further simplify and streamline the foreign filing process.


A festive farewell to Munich




Following a fulfilling two days, RWS couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit the Munich Marien Platz Christmas Markets for a team Gluwein. With spectacular surroundings and a festive atmosphere, it was the perfect way to round off the trip.



RWS indicated that they would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to visit their booth, as well as the organizers, for making their attendance such a success.









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