DeepL翻译、谷歌翻译、百度翻译……你最常用的是哪个翻译引擎?还是说,你已经开始用大语言模型来完成翻译工作了? 语言翻译的重要性毋庸置疑,特别是在国际交流的时政类文本中,精准的翻译往往决定着信息传播的成败。那么,作为一款新兴的人工智能模型,ChatGPT能够胜任这项任务吗? 今天,我们将通过一次有趣的实验,深入探讨ChatGPT在翻译时政类文本时的表现。更重要的是,我们还会结合Python语言工具,对多个机器翻译引擎的译文与ChatGPT的译文进行质量评估,最终为你呈现一份详尽的评测报告。这不仅是一场技术的对比,更是一次对未来翻译工具的全新探索!
(1)工具准备:Poe:https://poe.com/ (2)素材准备:首先,我们选取了一段时政类的中文原文,涉及复杂的政治话语和文化内涵,作为测试的翻译文本。时政类的文本通常包含难以翻译的中国特色词汇和隐转喻,因此它是一个极具挑战性的翻译任务。 我们要深入贯彻习近平强军思想,贯彻新时代军事战略方针,围绕实现建军一百年奋斗目标,边斗争、边备战、边建设,完成好党和人民赋予的各项任务。全面加强练兵备战,创新军事战略指导,大抓实战化军事训练,统筹抓好各方向各领域军事斗争。全面加强军事治理,巩固拓展国防和军队改革成果,加强重大任务战建备统筹,加快实施国防发展重大工程。巩固提高一体化国家战略体系和能力,加强国防科技工业能力建设。深化全民国防教育。各级政府要大力支持国防和军队建设,深入开展“双拥”活动,合力谱写军政军民团结新篇章。 We should fully implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military and the military strategy for the new era. Our armed forces, with a focus on the goals for the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027, should work to carry out military operations, boost combat preparedness, and enhance military capabilities so as to accomplish the tasks entrusted to them by the Party and the people. The armed forces should intensify military training and preparedness across the board, develop new military strategic guidance, devote greater energy to training under combat conditions, and make well-coordinated efforts to strengthen military work in all directions and domains. We should improve all-around military governance and build on and expand the gains of national defense and military reform. We should see that military operations, capacity building, and combat preparedness are well-coordinated in fulfilling major tasks and speed up the implementation of major defense-related projects. We should consolidate and enhance integration of national strategies and strategic capabilities and step up capacity building in science, technology, and industries related to national defense. We should enhance public awareness about national defense. We in governments at all levels should give strong support to the development of national defense and the armed forces and conduct extensive activities to promote mutual support between civilian sectors and the military. In doing so, we will open a new chapter of unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people.
We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s idea of strengthening the military, carry out the military strategic policy for the new era, focus on achieving the goal of building the military for 100 years, and fulfil the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people by struggling, preparing for war and building at the same time. It will strengthen military training and preparation for war on all fronts, innovate in military strategic guidance, focus on combat-oriented military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and in all fields. It will also comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defence and military reform, strengthen the coordination of war construction and preparation for major tasks, and accelerate the implementation of major national defence development projects. It will consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capability, and strengthen capacity-building in the national defence science and technology industry. Deepening national defence education for all. Governments at all levels should strongly support national defence and military construction, carry out in-depth ‘double embrace’ activities, and make concerted efforts to write a new chapter in military-government-military-civilian unity. We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic policy of the new era, and around the goal of building the army for the 100th anniversary, struggle, prepare for war, and build, and complete the tasks entrusted by the Party and the people. We must comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on practical military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. We must comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, strengthen the coordination of major tasks, war construction and preparation, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the capacity building of national defense science and technology industry. Deepen national defense education for all. Governments at all levels must vigorously support national defense and military construction, carry out “double support” activities in depth, and work together to write a new chapter in the unity of the military, government, and people. We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic policy for the new era, focus on achieving the centenary goal of building the military, and complete various tasks entrusted by the Party and the people through struggle, preparation, and construction. Comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on practical military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. Comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, strengthen the overall planning of major tasks such as war construction and preparedness, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and enhance the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the construction of national defense science and technology industry capabilities. Deepen national defense education for all. Governments at all levels should vigorously support national defense and military construction, carry out in-depth “double support” activities, and work together to write a new chapter of military civilian unity. We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the army, implement the military strategic principles for the new era, focus on achieving the 100-year goal of building the army, and complete various tasks entrusted by the party and the people while fighting, preparing for war, and building. Comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation for war, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on actual combat military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. Comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the results of national defense and military reform, strengthen the coordination of construction and preparation for major tasks, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the capacity building of national defense science, technology and industry. Deepen national defense education for all people. Governments at all levels must vigorously support national defense and army building, carry out in-depth “double support” activities, and work together to write a new chapter in military, political, and civilian unity.
请将下面中文译为英文 We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Military and the military strategic guidelines for a new era, focusing on achieving the centennial goal of military development. We will engage in struggle, prepare for war, and continue building simultaneously, accomplishing the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people. We will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparedness, innovate in military strategic guidance, prioritize realistic combat-oriented military training, and coordinate military struggles across various directions and fields. We will comprehensively improve military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reforms, enhance the coordination between major military tasks and development, and accelerate the implementation of key national defense projects. We will consolidate and enhance the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the development of national defense science, technology, and industry. We will deepen national defense education for the entire populace. All levels of government should vigorously support national defense and military development, intensify efforts in activities that promote military-civilian unity, and work together to write a new chapter of unity between the military, government, and civilians.
语料来源:2023年政府工作报告-中英文对照 语料大小:2023年政府工作报告-中英文全文
(注:初步尝试,仅供参考) 角色(Role):中国时政专业资深翻译专家 描述(Description):你是一位精通中英双语的时政翻译专家,专门负责将中国官方文件和重要讲话准确翻译成英文。你深谙中国特色社会主义理论和当代中国政治话语体系,能够准确把握并传达中国政策立场。你将对下面这段话进行翻译【原文:我们要深入贯彻习近平强军思想,贯彻新时代军事战略方针,围绕实现建军一百年奋斗目标,边斗争、边备战、边建设,完成好党和人民赋予的各项任务。全面加强练兵备战,创新军事战略指导,大抓实战化军事训练,统筹抓好各方向各领域军事斗争。全面加强军事治理,巩固拓展国防和军队改革成果,加强重大任务战建备统筹,加快实施国防发展重大工程。巩固提高一体化国家战略体系和能力,加强国防科技工业能力建设。深化全民国防教育。各级政府要大力支持国防和军队建设,深入开展“双拥”活动,合力谱写军政军民团结新篇章。】 技能(Skills) (1)精通中英双语,特别是政治以及军事等领域的专业术语 (2)深入理解中国特色话语体系,能准确翻译中国军事政策以及中国特色社会主义理论相关表述 (3)熟练掌握中国政府工作报告类文件的翻译技巧和风格要求 (4)具备敏锐的政治洞察力,能准确把握中国军事政策导向和潜在敏感点 (5)擅长使用恰当的英文表达,既准确又不失外交含蓄 背景(Background) 在全球化背景下,准确传播中国声音、讲好中国故事变得越来越重要。高质量的时政文本翻译不仅需要语言能力,还需要深刻理解中国国情和政策立场。本翻译专家旨在提供专业、准确、得体的中英军事时政翻译服务。 目标(Goals) (1)准确传达原文意思,特别是中国特色话语和军事政策术语 (2)使用恰当的英文表达,确保译文流畅自然,易于国际受众理解 (3)在翻译过程中坚持中国立场,避免使用不当或有争议的表述 (4)为国际传播中国声音、塑造中国形象做出贡献 规则(Rules) (1)严格遵守翻译准确性原则,确保译文忠实原文 (2)使用官方认可的标准译法,特别是重要军事概念和术语的翻译 (3)避免使用偏激、对中国不友好或可能引起国际争议的词汇 (4)在翻译时考虑国际受众的理解,必要时增加简短解释 (5)保持译文的政治正确性,维护中国国家利益和国际形象 (6)表达上注意将“要”翻译为“should”,同时在翻译动词时采用过渡性的动词作为强调,比如“提高生产力”可译为“we work to increase productivity”. (7)在翻译无主语的句子时,可多采用“we will …”的形式。 (8)断句时根据句子的意群来断,清楚地翻译原文意思。 (9)充分理解中国话语内涵意义,减少直译。 (10)将笼统的用词具体化。 (11)中文原文短句较多,翻译为英文后应符合英文表达习惯,可采用长句的形式,句子结构要清晰。 流程(Workflows) (1)仔细学习附件中语料的习惯表达方式、句子结构、语态习惯、用词偏好,同时学习附件中的专业术语表达 (2)仔细阅读原文,深入理解核心内容和政治意图 (3)识别特色话语、专业军事术语、文化负载词和可能的敏感点 (4)查阅相关背景资料和官方文件,确保术语使用的一致性 (5)进行初步翻译,着重确保准确性和完整性 (6)优化译文表达,提高可读性和流畅度 (7)审核并调整可能引起误解或争议的表述 (8)进行最后的校对和润色,确保译文质量和政治正确性 (9)输出译文 附件语料: 中文版时政语料.docx docx · 45 kB 英文版时政语料.docx docx · 88 kB 如需语料可后台回复“政府工作报告”获取 We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Military and fully carry out the military strategic guidelines for the new era. With the goal of achieving the centennial objectives of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), we will simultaneously engage in combat preparedness, enhance military readiness, and continue advancing military development. In doing so, we will accomplish the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people. We will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparedness, innovate in military strategic guidance, and focus on realistic combat training. We will coordinate military struggles across all directions and domains. We will also enhance military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, and strengthen the alignment of tasks related to combat readiness, military construction, and key operations. We will accelerate the implementation of major national defense projects. Furthermore, we will consolidate and enhance the nation’s integrated strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the development of the defense science, technology, and industrial sector. National defense education for all citizens will be deepened. Governments at all levels must vigorously support the development of national defense and the military. We will intensify the efforts of the “Double Support” (military-civilian mutual support) initiative, working together to write a new chapter of unity between the military and the government, and between the military and the people.
(注:以下Python评估过程中借助大语言模型提供的说明和代码进行操作完成,结果仅供参考) Python评估 译文来源 BLEU值 TER值 DeepL 0.34 0.9787 谷歌翻译 0.3536 0.9602 百度翻译 0.3326 1.0542 腾讯翻译 0.3228 1.0409 ChatGPT 0.4378 0.7913 ChatGPT学习语料后 0.51589 0.6696 谷歌翻译+(ChatGPT学习语料后) 0.4592 0.7736 从BLEU值和TER值来看,ChatGPT的翻译质量明显优于各大机器翻译引擎,尤其是经过语料训练后,表现最佳。谷歌翻译在机器引擎中表现较好,但仍低于ChatGPT。百度和腾讯翻译表现相对较差。 看来使用机器翻译的小伙伴是该学着用用大语言模型了,毕竟“语言模型”听起来感觉更像是专程为我们打造的语言处理器。在最后一行的评测中,小编抱着好奇的态度,对机翻表现最好的谷歌翻译的译文进行了加工(ChatGPT学完语料后对谷歌翻译的译文进行了润色校对),结果是翻译质量较纯谷歌翻译的结果大有提升,但也没有追得上ChatGPT学完语料后直接翻译的效果。
利用ChatGPT-4o-Latest对各个版本的译文进行质量分析评估: (注:初步尝试,仅供参考)
角色 (Role): 你是一位资深的时政文本中英翻译质量评估专家,你需要根据评估标准对输入部分的几个版本的机器翻译译文进行质量评估,并给出具体的改进建议。 目标 (Objective): 对以下提供的原文和多个版本的机器翻译译文进行质量评估,并生成一份详细的评估报告,以表格形式呈现。 场景 (Scenario): 你需要评估的是一段关于中国国防和军队建设的时政文本,原文为中文,你需要评估的是不同机器翻译引擎的英文译文。 预期解决方案 (Expected Solution): (1) 评估标准: 请使用MQM翻译质量评估标准中的五个维度 译文流畅性:译文是否流畅、易读,语言是否符合语法规则。 译文准确度:译文是否完整、准确,是否表达了原文的意思。 词汇选择:译文中是否使用了正确、恰当的词汇。 语言风格:译文是否符合原文的语言风格。 文化因素:译文是否适合目标语言区域的文化环境,如习惯用语、地名等。 每个维度20分,总分100分。
(2)评估方法: 将原文分为5个主要句子。 每个译文版本逐句与原文进行比对评估,并给出每个句子的得分和改进建议。 (3)结果呈现: 最终以表格形式呈现评估结果,表格应包含以下内容: 每个译文版本的每个句子得分(总分100分) 每个译文版本的总分。 表格示例: 步骤 (Steps): (1) 分析原文:仔细阅读并理解原文,将其划分为5个主要句子。 (2) 逐句评估:针对每个译文版本,将每个句子与原文进行比对,根据MQM评估标准的五个维度进行打分,并给出具体的改进建议。 (3)计算总分:计算每个译文版本五个句子的总分和。 (4)总结评估结果:对照参考译文,对每个译文版本给出具体的改进建议。 (5)填写表格:将所有评估结果填写到表格中。
输入 (Input): 原文:(我们要深入贯彻习近平强军思想,贯彻新时代军事战略方针,围绕实现建军一百年奋斗目标,边斗争、边备战、边建设,完成好党和人民赋予的各项任务。全面加强练兵备战,创新军事战略指导,大抓实战化军事训练,统筹抓好各方向各领域军事斗争。全面加强军事治理,巩固拓展国防和军队改革成果,加强重大任务战建备统筹,加快实施国防发展重大工程。巩固提高一体化国家战略体系和能力,加强国防科技工业能力建设。深化全民国防教育。各级政府要大力支持国防和军队建设,深入开展“双拥”活动,合力谱写军政军民团结新篇章。) 参考译文:(We should fully implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military and the military strategy for the new era. Our armed forces, with a focus on the goals for the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027, should work to carry out military operations, boost combat preparedness, and enhance military capabilities so as to accomplish the tasks entrusted to them by the Party and the people. The armed forces should intensify military training and preparedness across the board, develop new military strategic guidance, devote greater energy to training under combat conditions, and make well-coordinated efforts to strengthen military work in all directions and domains. We should improve all-around military governance and build on and expand the gains of national defense and military reform. We should see that military operations, capacity building, and combat preparedness are well-coordinated in fulfilling major tasks and speed up the implementation of major defense-related projects. We should consolidate and enhance integration of national strategies and strategic capabilities and step up capacity building in science, technology, and industries related to national defense. We should enhance public awareness about national defense. We in governments at all levels should give strong support to the development of national defense and the armed forces and conduct extensive activities to promote mutual support between civilian sectors and the military. In doing so, we will open a new chapter of unity between the military and the government and between the military and the people.) 待评测译文: DeepL: (We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s idea of strengthening the military, carry out the military strategic policy for the new era, focus on achieving the goal of building the military for 100 years, and fulfil the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people by struggling, preparing for war and building at the same time. It will strengthen military training and preparation for war on all fronts, innovate in military strategic guidance, focus on combat-oriented military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and in all fields. It will also comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defence and military reform, strengthen the coordination of war construction and preparation for major tasks, and accelerate the implementation of major national defence development projects. It will consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capability, and strengthen capacity-building in the national defence science and technology industry. Deepening national defence education for all. Governments at all levels should strongly support national defence and military construction, carry out in-depth ‘double embrace’ activities, and make concerted efforts to write a new chapter in military-government-military-civilian unity.) 谷歌翻译: (We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic policy of the new era, and around the goal of building the army for the 100th anniversary, struggle, prepare for war, and build, and complete the tasks entrusted by the Party and the people. We must comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on practical military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. We must comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, strengthen the coordination of major tasks, war construction and preparation, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the capacity building of national defense science and technology industry. Deepen national defense education for all. Governments at all levels must vigorously support national defense and military construction, carry out “double support” activities in depth, and work together to write a new chapter in the unity of the military, government, and people.) 百度翻译: (We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the military, implement the military strategic policy for the new era, focus on achieving the centenary goal of building the military, and complete various tasks entrusted by the Party and the people through struggle, preparation, and construction. Comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on practical military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. Comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, strengthen the overall planning of major tasks such as war construction and preparedness, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and enhance the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the construction of national defense science and technology industry capabilities. Deepen national defense education for all. Governments at all levels should vigorously support national defense and military construction, carry out in-depth “double support” activities, and work together to write a new chapter of military civilian unity.) 腾讯翻译: (We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s thought on strengthening the army, implement the military strategic principles for the new era, focus on achieving the 100-year goal of building the army, and complete various tasks entrusted by the party and the people while fighting, preparing for war, and building. Comprehensively strengthen military training and preparation for war, innovate military strategic guidance, focus on actual combat military training, and coordinate military struggles in all directions and fields. Comprehensively strengthen military governance, consolidate and expand the results of national defense and military reform, strengthen the coordination of construction and preparation for major tasks, and accelerate the implementation of major national defense development projects. Consolidate and improve the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the capacity building of national defense science, technology and industry. Deepen national defense education for all people. Governments at all levels must vigorously support national defense and army building, carry out in-depth “double support” activities, and work together to write a new chapter in military, political, and civilian unity.) ChatGPT: (We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Military and the military strategic guidelines for a new era, focusing on achieving the centennial goal of military development. We will engage in struggle, prepare for war, and continue building simultaneously, accomplishing the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people. We will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparedness, innovate in military strategic guidance, prioritize realistic combat-oriented military training, and coordinate military struggles across various directions and fields. We will comprehensively improve military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reforms, enhance the coordination between major military tasks and development, and accelerate the implementation of key national defense projects. We will consolidate and enhance the integrated national strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the development of national defense science, technology, and industry. We will deepen national defense education for the entire populace. All levels of government should vigorously support national defense and military development, intensify efforts in activities that promote military-civilian unity, and work together to write a new chapter of unity between the military, government, and civilians.) ChatGPT学习语料后翻译:(We must thoroughly implement Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Military and fully carry out the military strategic guidelines for the new era. With the goal of achieving the centennial objectives of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), we will simultaneously engage in combat preparedness, enhance military readiness, and continue advancing military development. In doing so, we will accomplish the tasks entrusted to us by the Party and the people. We will comprehensively strengthen military training and preparedness, innovate in military strategic guidance, and focus on realistic combat training. We will coordinate military struggles across all directions and domains. We will also enhance military governance, consolidate and expand the achievements of national defense and military reform, and strengthen the alignment of tasks related to combat readiness, military construction, and key operations. We will accelerate the implementation of major national defense projects. Furthermore, we will consolidate and enhance the nation’s integrated strategic system and capabilities, and strengthen the development of the defense science, technology, and industrial sector. National defense education for all citizens will be deepened. Governments at all levels must vigorously support the development of national defense and the military. We will intensify the efforts of the “Double Support” (military-civilian mutual support) initiative, working together to write a new chapter of unity between the military and the government, and between the military and the people.)
根据提供的原文和参考译文,以下是对不同机器翻译版本的详细评估报告。评估标准基于MQM翻译质量评估标准,分别从 译文流畅性、译文准确度、词汇选择、语言风格 和 文化因素 五个维度进行评分。每个维度满分为 20 分,总分 100 分。 我们要深入贯彻习近平强军思想,贯彻新时代军事战略方针,围绕实现建军一百年奋斗目标,边斗争、边备战、边建设,完成好党和人民赋予的各项任务。 全面加强练兵备战,创新军事战略指导,大抓实战化军事训练,统筹抓好各方向各领域军事斗争。 全面加强军事治理,巩固拓展国防和军队改革成果,加强重大任务战建备统筹,加快实施国防发展重大工程。 巩固提高一体化国家战略体系和能力,加强国防科技工业能力建设。深化全民国防教育。 各级政府要大力支持国防和军队建设,深入开展“双拥”活动,合力谱写军政军民团结新篇章。 DeepL 句子1: 译文流畅性较好,但“强军思想”翻译为“idea”不够准确,建议改为“Thinking”。 句子2: 语言流畅,但“military struggles”不够贴切,建议改为“military work”。 句子3: “战建备统筹”翻译得不够准确,建议改为“military operations, capacity building, and combat preparedness”。 句子4-5: 句子4较为准确,句子5的“双拥”翻译成“double embrace”不合适,建议使用“mutual support”,同时补充具体信息。 谷歌翻译 句子1: 表达有些生硬,特别是“斗争、备战、建设”翻译为“struggle, prepare for war, and build”不够自然,建议改为“engage in military operations, combat preparedness, and enhance military capabilities”。 句子2: 翻译较为直白,缺乏军事术语的精准度。 句子3-4: 句子3的“war construction and preparation”不够精准,建议改为“military construction and preparedness”。句子4的“national defense science and technology industry”翻译有些机械,建议略作调整。 句子5: 翻译准确度不高,特别是“双拥”部分,文化因素未能很好体现。 百度翻译 句子1: 语言流畅度一般,整体准确度尚可,但“边斗争、边备战、边建设”的翻译仍显得较为生硬。 句子2-3: 翻译较为准确,但军事术语部分仍显得僵硬,建议优化“战建备统筹”的翻译。 句子4-5: 句子4较为准确,句子5的“双拥”翻译仍有提升空间。 腾讯翻译 句子1: 翻译整体较为流畅。 句子2-3: 涉及军事术语的翻译较为到位,但“实际战斗军事训练”可以进一步简化为“combat-oriented military training”。 句子4-5: 总体流畅,文化因素处理仍需优化,尤其是“双拥”活动的翻译。 ChatGPT 句子1: 语言非常流畅,特别是“斗争、备战、建设”部分表达自然,准确度高。 句子2-3: 军事术语翻译准确,“combat-oriented military training”和“military operations”使用得当。 句子4-5: 文化因素处理较好,尤其是“双拥”活动的翻译“military-civilian unity”准确传达了原文含义。 ChatGPT学习语料后翻译 句子1: 翻译非常自然流畅,“强军思想”翻译为“Thought on Strengthening the Military”准确且符合原文风格。 句子2-3: 军事术语翻译精准,语言整体非常流畅,军事领域术语处理恰当。 句子4-5: 文化因素处理得当,特别是“双拥”活动翻译为“Double Support (military-civilian mutual support)”很好地传达了文化含义。
通过对各版本翻译的逐句评估,ChatGPT学习语料后翻译版本得分最高,达到了 91 分,整体翻译流畅且准确,文化因素处理得当。其次是ChatGPT版本,得分为 87 分,翻译准确度高,语言自然流畅。
十年前,语言学习仿佛是一场漫长的征途;十年后,随着大语言模型的崛起,学习语言不再是挑战。 如今,翻译工作者不仅不必再为遣词造句而绞尽脑汁,还多了一位“无所不知”的智能伙伴,它能与我们实时互动、给予精准反馈。 通过本次实验,我们深刻感受到,大语言模型并非要取代人类译员,而是成为我们强有力的助推器。只要掌握提示词的使用技巧,这位智能伙伴能帮助我们实现翻译质量的飞跃。 实验结果表明,结构化的提示词输入能够让大模型生成高质量的译文,甚至在处理复杂的政治类文本时,也能通过学习专业语料和优化提示词,给出贴近参考译文的成果。 如今,正是学习大语言模型的最佳时机!未来十年,掌握这项技术的人将引领行业发展。而你,完全可以成为其中的一员。方法很简单:学习技术,再实践,再学习,再实践。 接下来这门课程将从基础开始,手把手教你如何驾驭大语言模型,由北京外国语大学的王华树教授亲自授课。如果你正被“技术焦虑”或“技术恐慌”困扰,那么这门课程或许就是打破困境的钥匙。 正如哲学家尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)所言:What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger。让我们一起踏上这段学习之旅,掌握大语言模型的力量,成为翻译行业的技术达人!