无需订购LLM,AI Essentials助您定制Trados在线解决方案

无需订购LLM,AI Essentials助您定制Trados在线解决方案

 黎琦 国际翻译动态


2024年09月03日 10:00 

Trados公布AI Essentials并推出新一轮AI功能


Trados Announces AI Essentials Alongside Latest Round of Feature Releases

Trados, the industry-leading translation platform by RWS, has recently launched an innovative ‘AI Essentials’ add-on, simplifying the integration of AI into translation workflows. AI Essentials combines two groundbreaking capabilities introduced earlier this year – Generative Translation and Smart Review – designed to enhance translation quality, speed up time-to-market, and cut translation costs. With no separate LLM subscription required, this add-on empowers organizations to customize their Trados solutions in line with their unique business needs, unlocking new possibilities to translate everything efficiently.

Trados是RWS旗下业界领先的翻译平台,最近推出一款新型的”AI Essentials “插件,简化了将AI整合到翻译的工作流程。AI Essentials结合了今年年初推出的两项创新功能–生成翻译和智能审校,旨在提高翻译质量、加快产品上市及降低翻译成本。该插件无需单独订购大语言模型(LLM),即可帮助企业按照各自业务需求定制Trados的在线解决方案,为高效翻译一切成为可能。


Additionally, we have also released a collection of new enhancements to The Trados platform. Here are just a few of our latest innovations: 



Improve quality and reduce turnaround times with better translation management 



PerfectMatch for efficient translation: We have now introduced PerfectMatch in the browser as a new step in the workflow, bringing this powerful capability to the entire Trados portfolio. 

句段匹配(PerfectMatch),实现高效翻译:如今,我们把“句段匹配”加入浏览器,作工作流程中之一,增强整个 Trados产品组合的功能。


Connect everyone in the supply chain and enhance translation collaboration 


Simplified editing mode in online editor for SMEs: Technology is constantly evolving – cloud solutions are transforming how teams collaborate and share information, while advances in machine translation—especially with the integration of large language models—are achieving unprecedented accuracy. As a result, the translation review process is now more often about refining translations than performing extensive post-editing, leading to an increase in the use of subject matter experts (SMEs). 



Speed up translation processes with new translation productivity features 


Adobe InDesign Preview: Customers have long requested the ability to access an in-context preview of IDML files when working in the online editor and this is now a reality with our new Adobe InDesign Preview add-on. This gives users a real-time preview of their files in final format, allowing them to visualize what the finished version will look like and check everything looks correct. 

Adobe InDesign 预览:长期以来,客户一直要求IDML文件在线编辑器中能够实现上下文预览,如今我们的全新Adobe InDesign预览插件能够满足这一要求。如此以来,用户便可以实时预览最终格式的文件,直观地浏览完成版本,检查所有内容正确与否。


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