
 王雪 国际翻译动态


2025年01月10日 10:01 







The New York Circle of Translators (NYCT) is a not-for-profit association supporting the growth and development of language professionals in today’s ever-changing marketplace.




Our members, independent translators and interpreters and language service providers and specialists, offer a wide variety of linguistic services to meet the demands of the many thriving industries in the New York metropolitan area and abroad.




Working in 34 different languages, NYCT members are involved in the financial, commercial, legal, medical, technological, non-profit, artistic, and academic sectors.




We invite all our members to attend our monthly meetings featuring a wide range of experts in the language industry covering topics such as court and diplomatic interpretation, technical translation, use of machine translation and computer-assisted translation tools, and marketing and branding language services. In addition, members have access to continuing education workshops and seminars, both local and national, throughout the year, along with social and networking opportunities to meet and grow their professional circles. Membership also includes access to The Gotham Translator, published six times a year. It features articles by professionals on the many aspects of the language industry and keeps our readers updated on upcoming meetings, NYCT and ATA activities, and members’ news and activities. (For a full list of benefits and to join, please click here.)


该协会诚邀所有会员参加月度会议,这些会议涵盖语言行业的广泛主题,由行业专家主讲,包括法庭和外交口译、技术翻译、机器翻译与计算机辅助翻译工具的使用,以及语言服务的市场推广与品牌建设。此外,会员全年还可参与本地及全国范围内的继续教育研讨会和讲习班,同时享受丰富的社交机会,拓展并提升职业人脉。会员还可阅读每年出版六期的《哥谭翻译》(The Gotham Translator)。它刊登专业人士撰写的行业文章,探讨语言行业的多个方面,并向读者介绍即将召开的会议、NYCT与ATA动态,以及会员活动的最新信息。(点击此处查看完整会员权益并加入。New York Circle of Translators – Benefits (nyctranslators.org))


The NYCT has been serving the New York metropolitan area since 1979, assisting new and experienced translators and interpreters in their career development, connecting businesses with language professionals, and educating the community on this expanding industry. We are a chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA) and an affiliate of the International Federation of Translators (FIT), and are governed by our association’s Bylaws.




New York City, with its extraordinary linguistic diversity, is an ideal home for language service companies who serve clients worldwide and employ many translators and interpreters throughout the Tri-State area.The Circle is proud to count a number of our city’s language service providers and translation companies among its members, a few of which are introduced below. Please visit their websites and be sure to check back as we continue to highlight our member businesses.




The Gotham Translator – News from the New York Circle of Translators


《哥谭翻译》(The Gotham Translator)–纽约翻译者协会新闻


The Gotham Translator is the online newsletter of the New York Circle of Translators, Inc. It is published five times yearly in February, April, June, September, and November. Our members are notified via e-mail of each newsletter publication. We welcome article submissions and suggestions for reprints. 








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