翻译院校篇|University of Southampton 南安普顿大学



University of Southampton 南安普顿大学

简介We are famous for being both research driven, and down-to-earth with the needs of business and society. We now have well over 20,000 full time students , and we are proud to see that they are continuing our traditions of innovation through dedication and hard work. Together (across all disciplines) we believe we can go on to change the world for the better – one step at a time.南安普敦大学秉持研究导向,兼具务实精神,致力于满足商业需求,推动社会进步。目前全日制在校生规模已突破20,000人,他们赓续学校传统,专注治学,勤勉实践,不断促进创新发展。学校凭借跨学科协作,逐步探索,为改善全球问题贡献力量。

As a global top 100 university, our expert academics and wide range of study options will help you achieve your goals. Our reputation and rankings are based on a range of criteria, including entry standards, student satisfaction, staff and student ratio, expenditure on facilities and resources, research quality, and reputation among employers and academics from other institutions. We are also a founding member of the Russell Group, an organisation of 24 top UK universities committed to maintaining the highest research and teaching standards.作为全球百强高等学府,南安普顿大学卓越的师资力量,多元化的学习路径,是广大学子实现个人目标的绝佳助力。其学术声誉与排名基于多重评估维度,包括入学要求、学生满意度、师生比例、设施资源投入、科研质量,以及雇主与学界评价。南安普顿大学也是罗素大学集团的创始成员,该组织由24所英国顶尖高校组成,致力于维护最高水准的科研与教学标准。
Student life

We have 6 closely-connected campuses in the city of Southampton, 1 in the nearby city of Winchester, 1 in the Malaysian city of Iskandar Puteri, and 1 in Delhi, India. Our campuses are where you’ll have your lectures and classes. Each campus is a community of related subject areas, with study spaces, libraries, cafes and restaurants. Some also have gym and sports facilities. No matter which campus your studies are based at, you can use the facilities at any campus.学校在南安普顿市拥有6处紧密互联的校区,同时在温彻斯特市,马来西亚依斯干达公主城,以及印度德里各设有一个校区。各校区是学生上课、听讲座的主要场所,形成了围绕相关学科的学习社区,配备有学习空间、图书馆及餐饮设施,部分校区还设有健身与运动设施。学生可跨校区使用所有公共资源。
Our Students’ Union (SUSU) sits at the heart of campus life. It’s run by students, for students. The main SUSU building sits on Highfield Campus, but the union has social spaces, services and events across our campuses.

Department of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Our department is welcoming, dynamic, and diverse. We offer outstanding teaching, engage with the latest research, and carry out enterprise work. We work with students, partners and stakeholders in the UK and overseas to provide crossdiciplinary answers to global challenges. Our research is wide-ranging, from understanding language and attitudes in the global spread of English to breaking down deep-rooted ideas about wine making.语言、文化和语言学系开放包容、充满活力、多元化特色鲜明,不仅为学生提供优质的教学,紧跟前沿研究,同时还积极参与企业合作项目。通过与英国本土及海外学生、合作伙伴及相关方协作,语言、文化和语言学系旨在以跨学科视角应对全球挑战。研究领域广泛多样,既涉及英语全球化传播中的语言和态度研究,也包括打破固有的葡萄酒酿造观念。
We engage in and produce interdisciplinary research with impact. Our research staff are members of many subject associations, learned societies, journal boards and international networks. We work with early career researchers and postdoctoral research fellows, who are active researchers in our community.语言、文化和语言学系致力于开展具有影响力的跨学科研究,教研人员活跃于多个学科协会、学术团体、期刊编委会及国际研究网络,并与积极投身学术圈的早期职业研究人员及博士后学者保持合作。

Translation and Professional Communication Skills (MA)
翻译与专业传播(文学硕士)Learn how to communicate across different languages and cultures on this MA in Translation and Professional Communication Skills. On this UK master’s degree you’ll gain specialist knowledge in translation, mediation and interpreting. You’ll be well prepared for a career in multicultural and multilingual settings.该硕士专业聚焦跨语言与跨文化沟通能力培养,通过深入学习笔译、沟通协调及口译的专业知识,为学生在多语言文化环境中的职业发展奠定坚实基础。
On this UK master’s course at the University of Southampton, you’ll get to choose from range of specialist modules, including: translation, mediation, interpreting, subtitling, professional writing and editing.
This master’s degree in translation and professional communication skills combines theoretical learning with practical exercises to develop skills you’ll need for a range of multilingual and multicultural environments. As well as working with translation theorists and practitioners, you’ll study with experts in cultural and literary studies, history, ethnography and anthropology.课程采用理论与实践相结合的模式,培养学生在多语言文化场景下的专业技能。学生不仅能跟随翻译理论家及实践专家学习,还会接受文化研究、文学研究、历史学、民族志及人类学领域学者的指导。
You’ll also get the chance to use software such as Trados and memoQ – widely used in language-related professions – and familiarise yourself with industry-standard interpreting equipment.此外,学生还将学习使用Trados与memoQ等语言行业常用的软件,并熟练操作符合行业标准的口译设备。
An optional placement module will give you the chance to apply what you’ve learnt to a work environment of your choice.选修实习模块则能根据学生的个人规划,在目标工作场景中实践所学技能。

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