
国际翻译动态 | 高风险场景中使用翻译技术的风险,你知道吗?

翻译技术教育与研究 2024年08月23日 00:02 

以下文章来源于国际翻译动态 ,作者王昭鉴



Discussions on the impact of translation and interpreting technologies in the field of multilingual communication are more important today than ever. Technology is improving rapidly and will continue to do so in the years to come. Consequently, its use in a multitude of contexts is bound to increase. While in most cases the use of speech technologies will become a simple and worries free commodity, there are areas, such in highly regulated markets, where their use might be classified as high-risky.
In the context of live speech translation, high-risk scenariosrefer to situations where the accuracy and reliability of communication are critical, and any misinterpretation or misunderstanding could have significant and potentially severe consequences. These scenarios typically involve areas such as:
Judicial Settings: Courtrooms, legal proceedings, and law enforcement interactions where misunderstandings can affect the outcome of trials, the rights of individuals, and the administration of justice.

Medical Environments: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings where accurate communication is essential for diagnosing conditions, administering treatment, and ensuring patient safety.
Emergency Services: Situations involving emergency responders, disaster relief, and crisis management where clear and precise communication can be a matter of life and death.
Diplomatic Affairs: International negotiations, treaties, and diplomatic communications where misinterpretations can lead to diplomatic conflicts or failures in negotiations.

In these scenarios, the stakes are high because errors in translation can lead to legal injustices, medical errors, loss of life, diplomatic tensions, or other serious outcomes. It must be noted that stakes are equally high when there is no translation available.

The above considerations apply to any kind of translation agent, whether a human or a computer. While there are some – albeit very general – provisions regarding human interpreters, the novelty of speech technologies has not allowed stakeholders enough time to reflect and define the appropriate use of such technology. A round of discussions, research, and applications is necessary. What do decision-makers need to know and what steps must be taken to ensure that speech technologies, such as machine interpreting, are used effectively and responsibly?

Here are some key points that stakeholders will need to keep in mind when starting to discuss this topic, followed by three simple principles that may guide the work ahead of us in the years to come.
Technological Evolution: The shift from rule-based to neural machine translation has significantly improved the accuracy and capacity of machine translation systems. Similarly, speech recognition technologies have evolved to better transcribe speech into text, in an increasing variety of languages and dialects.

Practical Applications: Speech translation systems are used by the general public to overcome language barriers while traveling, listening to podcasts, etc. In sensitive and professional settings, speech translation systems are increasingly used due to a shortage of human translators and interpreters, especially for, but not limited to, less common languages, or to reduce the costs and increase availability of translation services. These technologies are also utilized in hospitals and police stations, to name just a few, to fill these gaps and to provide basic language support.


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