原创 侯晓阳 国际翻译动态2024年12月10日 10:01天津
Durham University
Durham University is a collegiate public research university in Durham, England, founded by an Act of Parliament in 1832 and incorporated by royal charter in 1837. It was the first recognised university to open in England for more than 600 years, after Oxford and Cambridge, and is thus the third-oldest university in England. As a collegiate university, its main functions are divided between the academic departments of the university and its 17 colleges. In general, the departments perform research and provide teaching to students, while the colleges are responsible for their domestic arrangements and welfare.
杜伦大学是一所坐落于英国杜伦的学院制公立研究型大学。于1832年通过国会法案正式成立,1837年被授予皇家宪章。杜伦大学是英国继牛津大学和剑桥大学之后,600 多年来第一所公认的大学,因此也是英国第三古老的大学。作为一所学院制大学,杜伦大学主要由学术部门和17个学院组成,二者分别发挥不同的作用。一般来说,学术部门负责开展研究以及教学工作,而学院则负责学生生活和身心健康。
Student life
Durham students belong to a college for the duration of their time at the university.Most students live in their college for the first year of their undergraduate life, then choose to ‘live-out’ in their second year, and subsequently have the option of moving back into college for their final year, usually via a ballot system. The colleges provide a key role in the pastoral care and social centre of students with each running a collegetutorial system, along with JCRs providing events and societies for undergraduate members, MCRs being a centre for postgraduate students and the SCRs for the college officers, fellows and tutors. Thesecommon rooms are run by an executive committee, usually headed by a president.
Each college has a unique identity and a variety of facilities for students ranging from computer rooms and libraries to tennis courts and gyms. Most colleges have their own sports teams and compete in the collegiate leagues (such as Durham College Rowing) and may also have their own theatre and music societies, which operate in parallel to the university-level sports teams and organisations.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
We nurture thoughtful, critical and engaged citizens for a rapidly changing and complex world. We provide tools for analysis, interpretation and expression, tools to discuss and compare models of human life and flourishing, tools for imagining the future.
Our six departments and one school produce highly-ranked and influential research within and across disciplines, languages, and cultures.Each offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is a leading centre of teaching and research in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hispanic, Italian, Japanese and Russian Studies. Its community of academics, teachers, and support staff aims to foster a world-class student experience at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Our staff are engaged in research and teaching in language, literature, cultural history, cinema and visual culture, and translation studies. The School and its departments figure regularly in the top five in national league tables such as the The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide, the Complete University Guide and the Guardian University Guide.
The School is also home to the Centre for Foreign Language Study, whichoffers non-specialist learners, including students, staff and members of the public, the opportunity to learn a range of languages from beginner to more advanced levels.
MA in Translation Studies
An internationally recognised programme that offers close study of a wide range of languages; deep engagement with translation theories and practise; and innovative analyses of the cross-cultural and transhistorical processes involved when ideas migrate from one context to another. The programme runs work placements in various professional settings and has a particular orientation towards culture, heritage and the creative industries. Professional accreditation by the Chartered Institute of Linguistics is available for students taking our specialised translation modules while our long-term membership of the European Masters in Translation Network ensures the ongoing quality of our course design and delivery.
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