国际翻译动态 翻译技术教育与研究


2024年12月02日 07:01 


Productivity from Day One: Introducing memoQ translator pro Subscriptions



Freelance translators know the pressure of meeting deadlines while ensuring top-quality translations. memoQ translator pro has been a trusted partner in this journey, providing translators with powerful tools to simplify their workflow. For the first time, memoQ translator pro’s rich feature set is available in a subscription model with all future updates, fixes, and enhancements included. Available as an annual or monthly subscription, the new model gives fresh flexibility to an already-flexible system.

自由译者深知要确保在截止日期前完成高质量翻译的压力。在这段旅程中,memoQ translator pro一直是一个值得信赖的合作伙伴,为翻译人员提供强大的工具以简化他们的工作流程。memoQ translator pro 的特丰富性集首次以订阅模式提供,包含所有未来的更新、修复和增强。可按年或按月订购,新功能为已经灵活的系统提供了新的灵活性。


“The new model is a smaller investment, and this way, more people get access to premium software at an affordable price,” said Zsófia Lelner, memoQ’s Product Marketing Specialist. “If you are not working all year round on translation projects, then you can choose the monthly option, where you can put your subscription on hold, or restart it any time. Or, if you know you will need memoQ for long-term projects, you can choose the annual option for a more budget-friendly alternative.”

memoQ 的产品营销专家 Zsófia Lelner 说:“新模式投资更小,这样一来更多的人可以以合理的价格获得优质软件。”“如果您不是全年都在翻译项目上工作,那么您可以选择包月套餐,在包月套餐中,您可以暂停订购,或者随时重启订购。或者,如果你知道你需要 memoQ 来完成长期项目,您可以选择年度选项,这将是一个更经济实惠的选择”。


Along with the new pricing model comes an expansion in customer support. Previously available only during workdays, customer support is now at your service 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “If you have an active subscription, then you have access to support,” says Zsófia Lelner. “And it is included with both subscription types at no extra charge.”

随着新定价模式的推出,客户支持也在不断扩大。以前只在工作日提供,现在客户支持可以为您提供每周7天,每天24小时的服务。Zsófia Lelner 说:“如果您已激活订阅,那么您就可以获得支持。”“这两种订阅类型都包含在其中,无需额外付费。”


A Translation Tool of Excellence



If you have tried memoQ translator pro, then you know the efficiency gains and overall power of the platform. The more you translate, the more effective it becomes.

如果您尝试过 memoQ translator pro,那么您就会知道该平台的效率提升和整体功能。您翻译得越多,效果就越好。


Boost Productivity from Day One



With features like LiveDocs and Translation Memory (TM), you can reuse your previous translations and handle repetitive text more efficiently. This means fewer steps and less time spent on repetitive tasks.

借助 LiveDocs 和翻译记忆库 (TM) 等功能,您可以重复使用以前的翻译并更有效地处理重复文本。这意味着花在重复性任务上的步骤和时间更少。


Seamless Compatibility



Work with projects from memoQ clients or other platforms like Trados, Phrase, Wordfast, and WorldServer—ensuring you are never limited by format or compatibility.

与 memoQ 客户端或其他平台(如 Trados、Phrase、Wordfast 和 WorldServer)上的项目协同工作-确保您永远不会受到格式或兼容性的限制。


Save Time with Automation



Project templates and workflow automation help streamline your translation process, creating your projects in fewer clicks and simplifying administrative tasks.



Try memoQ translator pro

试试 memoQ 翻译专业版


With memoQ in a freelancer’s toolbox, there’s less to worry about in terms of oversight and management, meaning there’s more time to do what they love…translating! With the new subscription pricing model, it’s easier than ever to get started.



If memoQ sounds like the tool you need, now is the perfect time to subscribe. Choose the plan that suits your workflows, timing, and budget—visit memoQ’s website to learn more about the plans and the software itself.

如果 memoQ 听起来像是您需要的工具,那么现在就是订阅的最佳时机。选择适合您的工作流程、时间和预算的计划–访问memoQ 网站,了解更多关于计划和软件本身的信息。


Both the annual and monthly subscriptions come with a 30-day trial period. Subscribe now, and start your journey toward a more efficient, productive translation process.

包年订阅和包月订阅都有30 天试用期。现在就订阅,开始您的旅程,迈向更高效、更多产的翻译过程。


About memoQ



memoQ is a leading collaborative translation environment and TMS delivering premium solutions to the translation industry since 2004. memoQ is dedicated to providing innovation through diverse developments that empower hundreds of thousands of enterprises, translation companies, and freelance translators worldwide.

memoQ 是一家领先的协作翻译环境和 TMS,自 2004 年以来一直为翻译行业提供优质解决方案。memoQ 致力于通过多样化的发展提供创新,为全球成千上万家企业、翻译公司和自由译者提供支持。


Keeping in mind both simplicity and effective translation processes, memoQ leverages its ease of use, collaboration, and interoperability in one complex solution.



Discover a new world with memoQ!




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