原创 张易可 国际翻译动态 2024年11月26日 10:01 天津
What not to share with ChatGPT
Should you use ChatGPT for work? Probably not.
可以在工作中使用Chat GPT吗? 最好不要 You’ve probably seen a lot of praise for the AI-enhanced chatbot, revolving around how it’s a potential productivity powerhouse, a tool that can give you back the time you might lose drafting emails, coming up with social media captions, and more. Plenty of people are already using ChatGPT and similar AI bots to enhance their professional work. 你大概已经听到许多对人工智能聊天机器人的褒奖,夸赞这样的工具生产力潜能巨大,能节约起草电子邮件的时间,生成社交媒体字幕,等等。许多人早已将ChatGPT或同类的AI机器人用于专业场合,提高工作质量。 But, be warned that Samsung employees used ChatGPT very briefly and inadvertently revealed trade secrets, leading to the chatbot being banned at the company. Employees will now face disciplinary action if they fail to adhere to the new restrictions, and Samsung isn’t the only big company tightening the AI reins. Apple has also banned employees from using ChatGPT, and big banks like Citigroup and JPMorgan have recently done the same. 然而,一个案例值得大家提高警惕,三星的员工曾使用了一段时间的ChatGPT,无意间泄露了商业机密,因此,公司禁止员工使用聊天机器人。如果员工们不遵守新规定,他们将面临纪律处分。而三星也不是唯一一家勒制AI使用的大公司。苹果公司也已禁止员工使用ChatGPT,花旗银行、摩根大通银行等大规模银行最近也发布了相同的规定。 I know the temptation is there, to just get something proofread quickly, have some code checked, and get someone else to write that long email while you balance all the other things you have to do in your workday. But it’s important to remember that you’re not simply throwing that information out into the ether. You don’t want to be the person in the office that ‘pulls a Samsung’ and leaks company information – or worse, your own personal data. 如果能使用工具进行快速文稿校对、代码检验,或是代写长篇电子邮件,你就能协调出更多工作时间完成其他事务。虽然大家都乐于这种工作模式,但要记住,把信息分享到网上并不是一件无足轻重的事。你也不想做那个用着三星手机泄露三星公司机密的人吧。后果可能会更严重—泄露的是个人隐私。
Can I use ChatGPT at work at all?
那么, 工作中完全不能使用ChatGPT吗?
So when is it safe to use ChatGPT? If there are no rules against using ChatGPT in your workspace (yet), there’s nothing wrong with asking the bot to break down concepts you don’t understand, condense lengthy documents for you to read them more easily, or analyze public data – but be sure stick to more general information, with nothing sensitive fed to the AI.
You don’t want to be writing a summary of a big important meeting and have those details leaked online. It doesn’t matter if you’re in your browser or if you’re using ChatGPT on your iPhone; there are still security concerns however you approach the bot, so be careful what you choose to share with it. Until we have true on-device AI tools that don’t require connecting to the internet, no information you give to your chatbot of choice will ever be truly secure.
If you want to narrow down what you really shouldn’t share with ChatGPT, the easy answer is anything personal. Avoid giving away pieces of information that could single you out in a crowd, anything that you would tell friends but not colleagues, and remember this is still a very new and very turbulent technology.
We aren’t sure what’s coming next, exactly how the information ChatGPT already has is being used, or whether that information could be made public. Treat ChatGPT like a knowledgeable work colleague who seems a little weird, and keep your distance where you can. It’s not mandatory to be friendly with the chatbot – not yet, anyway.
原文链接: https://www.techradar.com/news/what-not-to-share-with-chatgpt
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