那么如何利用ChatGPT做好译前编辑以提升译文质量呢?我们可以再结合受控语言(Controlled Language)加以辅助。
根据新加坡翻译服务商andovar官网(https://blog.andovar.com/controlled-language)介绍,“Controlled language is a subset of natural language with a restricted grammar and vocabulary that reduces or eliminates ambiguity and complexity”,即——受控语言是自然语言下的一个分支,其利用有限的语法和词汇以减少不确定性和复杂性。
《劳特里奇翻译技术百科全书》(Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology)(Chan Sin-Wai, 2015)在Controlled Language这一章节介绍了受控语言的定义及分类。其定义如下:“Controlled natural languages tackle these kinds of problems by restricting the size of the grammar and vocabulary in order to reduce or eliminate ambiguity and complexity inherent in natural languages.”
因此可以得知,受控语言能够在语法和词汇层面着力降低文本因模糊和复杂所带来的理解困难。根据这本书,在机器翻译用途方面,“The primary objective of using controlled language for MT is to limit lexical ambiguity in the source language and to rule out complex sentence structures in order to ease the processing and achieve better translation results.”也就是说,受控语言通过限制源语言的词汇歧义和排除复杂句结构来简化处理和获得更佳翻译效果。
对于受控语言的使用,翻译学者Sharon O’Brien在Controlling Controlled English——An Analysis of Several Controlled Language Rule Sets论作中基于Lexical(词汇)、Syntactic(句法)、Semantic(语义)三个层面给出了一套详细的规则。在词汇层面,还包括词汇选用,拼写,代词等诸多细节规则,可见作者考量之细微。我们可根据这套规则结合所修改文本情况合理应用。(由于篇幅有限,大家可自行检索该文献详细阅览)
The first phenomena that we now recognize to be caused by electrons were noticed during the nineteenth century when inventors like Edison were studying electrical effect’s in evacuated glass bulbs and tubes. Sometimes certain areas of the almost completely evacuated vessel would become luminous and glow with blue, green or red light. Though these effects were exploited to produce colourful discharges—now well known as the fluorescent neon-tubes used in advertising—the cause of these phenomena was then unknown.
上文是一段电子科学相关英语文本。细看该文本可发现文中从句、过去分词短语等复杂结构特征明显,还涉及一些专业术语。这在一定程度上增加了理解和翻译的难度。那么接下来就需要给ChatGPT加点Prompt,再佐以Controlled Language调料来优化源语言文本啦。
小编基于上面这段文本给出了自己的ChatGPT Prompt:
Suppose you are an English translator and reviser, please help me revise the following text about technology, so that the text is easy to be understood and translated into Chinese. Based upon rules of controlled language, you should, lexically make sure that the vocabulary is simple, and syntactically make sure the sentence structure is simple and rule out using passive voice.
The first phenomena that we now recognize to be caused by electrons were noticed during the nineteenth century when inventors like Edison were studying electrical effect’s in evacuated glass bulbs and tubes. Sometimes certain areas of the almost completely evacuated vessel would become luminous and glow with blue, green or red light. Though these effects were exploited to produce colourful discharges—now well known as the fluorescent neon-tubes used in advertising—the cause of these phenomena was then unknown.
During the 1800s, inventors like Edison studied electrical effects in glass bulbs and tubes from which the air had been removed. They observed that some parts of the nearly empty bulb would light up and emit blue, green, or red light. These colorful discharges were later used in advertising through fluorescent neon tubes. However, at that time, the reason behind these phenomena remained unknown.
这些都是有利于译者理解的一面。但是,小编也发现了问题,修改后版本中“The first phenomena that we now recognize to be caused by electrons”所强调的意思似乎在ChatGPT修改时也被一并省去了,这可不利于译者在轻松理解的同时再现原文意思。为了确定这不是偶然之举,小编尝试输入了将近十次上述Prompt和原文,然而还是发现这一问题在每次所给结果中仍未得到解决。最后,小编还在Prompt后面追加了“Most importantly, do not distort the meaning of the original text.”可是,结果表明,这样一来,ChatGPT似乎又变成了耳边风,意思较好地保留了,但文本的复杂度却没减轻多少。
Bussey, S.. Controlled Language[EB/OL]. (2020-02-20) [2023-07-21]. https://blog.andovar.com/controlled-language.
Chan, S. W. (ed.). 2014. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology (1st ed.)[M]. London & New York: Routledge.
O’Brien, S.. 2003. Controlling Controlled English. In EAMT Workshop: Improving MT through Other Language Technology Tools: Resources and Tools for Building MT, Budapest, Hungary. European Association For Machine Translation.
冯全功, 高琳. 2017. 基于受控语言的译前编辑对机器翻译的影响[J]. 当代外语研究17(2): 63-68.
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