About GALA Global |走进全球化与本地化的世界

About GALA Global |走进全球化与本地化的世界

 郭汪韬略 国际翻译动态


2024年08月22日 10:00 


About GALA Global



The Globalization and Localization Association (GALA Global) is a trade association — a nonprofit organization founded and funded by businesses that operate in a specific industry. GALA serves and supports the global language services and technologies industry which comprises translation, interpreting, localization, and the technologies that support such activities.

全球化与本地化协会(GALA Global)是一家行业协会——它是一个由特定行业运营的企业创立和资助的非营利性组织。GALA为全球语言和技术行业提供服务,支持涉及笔译、口译、本地化以及辅助这些活动的相关技术。

We believe that a strong professional community makes for a strong industry. We focus on best-practices, knowledge-sharing, professionalism, and industry development. We know that language is a critical element of accessibility and inclusion and that it’s an investment worth making.  



GALA delivers value to our member community by providing resources that help companies solve their business challenges. 



· GALA is future-oriented and human-focused 

· 协会放眼未来、以人为本

· GALA provides access to expertise on industry trends, technologies, and best practices

· 协会在行业趋势、技术服务、最佳实践等方面能够提供专业途径

· GALA is a community and a platform where people learn, share, and inspire one another 

· 协会是一个互相学习、交流分享、鞭策勉力的社区和平台

· GALA supports the growth of professionals, businesses, and the global language industry

· 协会支持从业者、企业和全球语言行业的成长与发展


What is GALA?



GALA is a nonprofit trade association. We serve an international community of organizations and individuals who work in the global language industry to facilitate multilingual communication and global business. GALA’s mission is to help our members succeed and to drive industry development by building professional communities, sharing knowledge, and advancing best practices.


What do we do?


With a focus on professional development, GALA delivers programs, resources, and events that help our members perform better. We offer a non-biased platform for information-sharing and collaboration, and we build connections between industry stakeholders. GALA creates and supports initiatives that advance localization best practices and raises awareness about the value that our industry brings to global business.



Who are our members?


GALA’s members are organizations from around the world. The majority are translation companies who also provide other language services and language-related technologies. About 35% are global enterprises or universities. Members deliver a variety of services and technologies to support global communication and business.



Why is GALA valuable?



GALA’s independent, nonprofit status, its global reach, and its commitment to quality make it a trustworthy source of industry information. Through GALA’s programs and insightful content, individuals become more knowledgeable, organizations grow and mature, and the global language industry makes gains in professionalism and prominence.




GALA was founded in 2002 by leaders from 15 businesses who recognized that language services companies needed an organization dedicated to their professional growth and to the betterment of the industry. Those 15 founding members expanded to well over 400, and now include organizations playing diverse roles in the global language industry: global translation and interpreting companies, language technology companies, universities, consultancies, and global enterprises producing multilingual content. Through the dedication of dozens of volunteers and a small, but mighty staff, GALA has grown into the largest association in the industry, with the broadest representation.

协会成立于2002年,由15位业界领袖牵头。他们认为,语言服务公司亟需建立一个组织,以推进职业发展、改善行业体系。协会成员已由最初的这15个创始会员增至当前的400多个,包括在全球语言行业中扮演不同角色的组织,如国际口笔译公司、语言技术公司、大学、咨询公司和制作多语言内容的国际企业。在数十位志愿者的奉献和一支虽小但强大团队的努力下,GALA 已发展成为行业内最大的协会,并且拥有最广泛的代表性。


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