AI 如何为LSP在视听翻译领域创造新机遇点?

 董泉秀 国际翻译动态


2024年11月15日 10:01 

How AI Is Creating Opportunities for LSPs in Audiovisual Translation

AI 如何为语言服务提供商 (LSP) 在视听翻译领域创造新机遇



For a few years now, AI has been reshaping how audiovisual content is localized and used. 


近年来,人工智能 (AI) 不断重塑视听内容的本地化方式及其使用方式。

From AI-automated subtitling and captioning to AI dubbing and advancements in sign language, AI-generated audio description, and many other services, audiovisual translation (AVT) presents both exciting opportunities and challenges for language service providers (LSPs).


从 AI 自动化字幕和配音,到手语翻译的进步、AI 生成的音频描述以及许多其他服务,视听翻译 (AVT) 正为语言服务提供商 (LSP) 带来诸多新机遇与挑战。


Data from the 2024 Slator Pro Guide: Audiovisual Translation shows that most established providers of AVT services already use AI tools in their workflow or are considering their implementation in the short to medium term.


根据 2024 年《Slator Pro 视听翻译指南》的数据,大多数成熟的 AVT 服务提供商已经在其工作流程中使用 AI 工具,或正考虑在短期到中期内引入这些工具。


In fact, over a third of LSPs surveyed by Slator now offer AI voiceover and subtitling services, with a quarter providing AI dubbing. This trend is driven partly by end clients actively asking for more efficient and scalable solutions.


事实上,Slator 的调查显示,超过三分之一的 LSP 目前提供 AI 配音和字幕服务,四分之一提供 AI 配音服务。这种趋势的推动因素之一是终端客户对更高效、可扩展解决方案的需求日益增加。


The AI-enabled AVT market can be broadly divided into two categories: enterprise-grade platforms that cater to large organizations with complex needs, and language AI start-ups that often target individual content creators and focus on specific use cases, such as short-form videos.


AI 驱动的 AVT 市场可以大致分为两类:一类是面向大型企业、满足其复杂需求的企业级平台;另一类是专注于特定场景(如短视频内容)的语言 AI 初创公司。


AI subtitling and dubbing are making it cheaper and easier for companies of all sizes and backgrounds to localize their growing AV content.


AI 字幕和配音使得各种规模和背景的公司能够以更低的成本、更便捷地对其日益增长的视听内容进行本地化。


This technology offers a compelling alternative to traditional subtitling, captioning, and dubbing, especially for content where speed and cost-efficiency are paramount (unlike major cinematic productions, where film industry standards and actor unions requirements still apply).


AI 提供了比传统字幕和配音更具吸引力的替代方案,尤其适用于注重时效性和成本效益的内容,而对于大型电影制作,仍需遵守电影行业标准和演员工会的要求。

Diversification Strategies with AI

利用 AI 实现多元化战略


With AI language technology available for all budgets, basically any company can potentially localize audiovisual content that until recently was considered too expensive or time-consuming to offer in multiple languages. 


由于 AI 语言技术能够适应各种预算,几乎任何公司都可以本地化其视听内容,而在不久前,多语种视听内容仍被认为过于昂贵且耗时。 


LSPs can adopt different strategies to integrate AI into their services, including AVT.


LSP 可以采取不同的策略将 AI 集成到其视听翻译服务中,包括 AVT。

Savvy language companies can take advantage of widespread AI availability and have the upper hand by leveraging their expertise in use cases, content type variations, and changing client expectations.


具备前瞻性思维的语言公司可以借助 AI 的广泛可用性,通过发挥其在用例、内容类型变化以及客户期望变化方面的专业知识,取得优势。

The key lies in the execution, ensuring that the choices made around partnering for, outsourcing, or developing AI technologies in-house, and around implementation, can indeed guarantee efficiency and scalability, both internally and for end clients.


成功的关键在于执行,确保在合作、外包或自主开发 AI 技术及实施这些选择时,能够真正保证效率和可扩展性,无论是在公司内部还是对于最终客户。




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